United Kingdom Eurozone Entry Scenarios Evaluated

After 10 years of abstinence from the European Monetary Union, should the UK be seriously thinking about joining the Eurozone? Especially in view of the European Central Bank s improved reputation as a crisis manager in the wake of the financial crisis, could EMU represent a safe haven for the UK economy? Would it be wise for Britain to attach itself to the reserve currency Euro to avoid the perils of drifting alone on a storm-tossed open sea? These are big questions. They have been debated in the UK for a generation and have become relevant again during the current financial and economic crises. I will in this short paper assess three scenarios regarding the UK and the Euro – UK entry, EMU collapses before a UK entry, No UK entry and I will discuss the Eurozone view on potential UK membership.
Length: 13 pages

Author: Jhon, Ryan
Volume: 2009.9
Publisher: INFER
Year: 2009
No. of pages: 13
Working papers