Forced migration and food crises

There is growing concern about the emergence of a global food crisis, but little is known about its economic outreach. This work quantifies the effects of food crises on international forced migration (FIM) relative to internal migration flows using a structural gravity model. Results suggest that even mild food crises tend to increase international forced migration relative to the domestic ones. Severe food crises skew FIM toward less developed countries. Our results are consistent with the fact that food crises tighten liquidity constraints on migration, and that those constraints worsen as food crises intensify. Under more severe food crises, migrants may lack the necessary resources to afford the higher costs of migrating internationally, particularly to a developed nation, thus choosing a developing destination or migrating internally.

Author: Federico; Jordi; Marta, Carril-Caccia; Paniagua; Suarez-Varela
Volume: 2022.10
Publisher: INFER
Year: 2022
No. of pages: 4
INFER Briefs