Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod is Full Professor of Economics at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Chair of the Research Center of Economics and Sustainability (ECO-SOS), member of the research group Quantitative Urban and Regional Economics (QURE), member of the Board of the Council of the Catalan Competition Commission (ACCO), Fellow at the MSH Val de Loire,  and Affiliated Researcher at the Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB). He has a Bachelor Degree in Economics (Universitat de Barcelona) and a PhD in Economics (Universitat Rovira i Virgili). His research topics include Urban and Regional Economics, Industrial Location and Cultural and Creative Industries, areas in which he has published several articles, books, and book chapters. You can follow him on twitter (@IND_LOC).


INMACULADA MARTÍNEZ-ZARZOSO (INFER Publication Committee, External Publications)


Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso holds a PhD in International Economics from the University of Birmingham, England. She is full professor of Economics at the University Jaume I (Spain) since 2012 and member of the Institute of International Economics (Spain) since 1995. Currently, she is Apl professor at the University of Göttingen (Germany) and chair of the U4 Network on Social Sciences Economics and Law. She is also research fellow at the Center for Statistics, the Ibero-American Institute for Economics Research, and the Center for European Governance and Economic Development Research from the same university and board member of INFER. She has advised the World Bank, the OECD, the German Ministry of Development, and the Spanish Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. Her fields of research include international economics, environmental economics and development economics. She is the author of numerous articles in international journals including the Journal of International Economics, Ecological Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Journal of Common Market Studies, among others. Her current research interests are in the areas of environmental provisions in trade agreements, on migration and remittances, networks and trade and on sustainable global value chains.



FRANCISCO SERRANITO (INFER Research-Webinars Committee)

University Paris 13 and CEPN

Cristina is an Associate Professor at the University of Bordeaux and a researcher affiliated at the Larefi (Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Recherche en Economie et Finance Internationales). She has a PhD in Economics from the University of Orléans and received the ninth Monetary, Financial and Banking Thesis Prize of the Foundation Banque de France in 2010. Her research interests are: monetary and fiscal policies, financial economics and European economy. Her research activity mainly focuses on the coordination of macroeconomic policies in a heterogeneous monetary union like the euro area. The results of her research have been published in national and international journals. She organized one INFER workshop and she was the main organizer of the 19th INFER Annual Conference 2017 in Bordeaux.



dimitrios paparas (INFER Dissemination and Communication Committee)


Dimitrios Paparas is a Reader (Associate Professor) at Harper Adams University since 2013 and he is the Course manager in M.Sc. programs (Business Economics, Agricultural Economics, International Agribusiness management). He got his PhD (UEL) in Fiscal Policy and he also worked as a lecturer in Kingston University, University of East London and Coventry University.  Dimitrios is currently a Senior Fellow in the HEA. His main research interests are agricultural economics, environmental economics, and macroeconomics. 


CLAUDIU TIBERIU ALBULESCU (iNFER Publication Committee, internal Publications)


Claudiu Tiberiu Albulescu is Full Professor of Economics and Finance at the Politehnica University of Timisoara (UPT), Management Department. He is the Director of the Department for International Relations at UPT and the former Director of the Research Center in Engineering and Management. He has a Ph.D. in in Economics/Finance from the West University of Timisoara and University of Poitiers (double diploma). Claudiu Albulescu followed a postdoctoral program at the Romanian Academy and in 2014 he received the Habilitation title in Finance. He is also associated researcher at CRIEF, University of Poitiers, and at the Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration within the West University of Timisoara. Claudiu Albulescu was visiting professor at University of Poitirs and visiting researcher at University of Orléans. He published over 80 journal articles, 20 proceeding papers, 3 books and 5 book chapters. His research activity mainly focuses on the financial macroeconomics, banking and finance, environmental and energy economics. Claudiu Albulescu organized two INFER workshops and is the local organizer of the 24th INFER Annual Conference 2022 in Timisoara.

Cecilio Tamarit (INFER Workshop Committee)

University of Valencia

Cecilio Tamarit is currently Professor of Economics at the University of Valencia. He holds an endowed “ad personam” Jean Monnet Chair in Economic Integration from the European Commission and is a research affiliate of the INTECO UV-UJI joint research unit. He was previously Senior Fellow at the Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania), Senior Advisor to the Spanish Prime Minister, invited professor at the University of Nottingham, visiting scholar at Goettingen and Harvard, and “Robert Schuman Scholar” at the Research Directorate of the European Parliament. His main lines of research are Monetary and Fiscal Integration, International Trade and Macroeconometrics. He has published extensively in academic journals as Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Economic Inquiry or Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. He currently serves as advisory editor in Springer’s journal Environmental Modeling and Assessment. He earned a MA from the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) and a Ph D. (with honors) from the University of Valencia. He has been a consultant to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and the European Commission, member of the WES group of experts (CESifo) and the Euro Area Business Cycle Network (ECB). He has been President of the Spanish Association of International Economics and Finance (AEEFI-IEFS), Chair of the Advisory Committee in the Spanish National Commission for Research Assessment (CNEAI). He also served successively as Vice-President and President of the Asociación Libre de Economía (ALdE), where he is an honorary fellow. He is currently a member of the advisory council (Kuratorium) of the Ibero-America institute for Economic Research (University of Goettingen) and a member of the Board of INFER (International Network of Economic Research).



Harokopio University of Athens

Dr Ioannis Kostakis is an economist (University of Crete, Greece). He holds a Master of Science in Economics and Econometrics (University of Kent, UK) and a Ph.D. in Applied Economics from Harokopio University (State Scholarships Foundation (IKY)). He has experience both in the private and public sectors. He has taught several economic modules at Harokopio University and Hellenic Open University in recent years. His current research fields include applied economics and econometrics theory, quantitative methods in economics, and sustainability issues.

Agnieszka Gehringer (INFER co-Treasurer)

Cologne University of Applied Sciences (TH Köln)

Agnieszka Gehringer is a professor of economics at Cologne University of Applied Sciences, a lecturer at the University of Göttingen and a senior research analyst at an independent think tank, the Flossbach von Storch Research Institute in Cologne, where she covers macroeconomic research related to current developments in financial markets and central banking. She studied economics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and earned a PhD in economics of complexity at the University of Turin. Her broader research interests include international macroeconomics, innovation economics and economic policy. Her research output has been published in academic peer-reviewed journals, such as Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Scottish Journal of Political Economy and International Journal of Production Economics. She is also an author of a recent book entitled “Mapping Sustainability Measurement: A Review of the Approaches, Methods, and Literature”. Agnieszka also serves as a speaker at investment summits and meetings of financial professionals, such as Salone del Risparmio in Milan, Consuletia in Rome and at the training meetings of the European Financial Planning Association.


Cologne University of Applied Sciences (TH Köln) and German Economic Institute (IW)

Galina Kolev-Schaefer is Professor of Economics at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences (TH Köln) and Senior Researcher at the German Economic Institute (IW) in Cologne. Born in Sofia, Bulgaria, she studied Business Administration at the University of Mannheim. Her doctoral dissertation at the Department for Economics of the University of Mannheim covers different aspects of the European integration. In 2012 she joined the IW as researcher in the unit Global Economic Order. From 2019 to 2022 she was professor of economics, especially international economic relations at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden. In 2022 she joined the Schmalenbach Instutute for Economics at the TH Cologne. Kolev-Schaefer has numerous contributions to the policy-oriented research of trade policy issues, macroeconomics and political economy. Currently the focus of her research is on the interaction between trade and climate policy as well as on the sustainability and resilience of global value chains. 


Sapienza Università di Roma

Eleonora Cavallaro  


Jan Van Hove, KBC Bank & Verzekering and UNIVERSITY OF LEUVEN (KU LEUVEN)

Christian Richter, Hertfordshire University in Egypt-Global Academic Foundation


CAMÉLIA TURCU, University of Orléans – LEO